New ECE English Instructors

Becoming… ECE English instructor ECE site representative ECE partner school

Degree Requirements

The preferred preparation for teaching Early College Experience English courses is a Master’s of Arts degree in English with at least some coursework in rhetoric and composition (especially courses directly related to the teaching of writing). The minimum degree requirement for teachers wishing to teach Early College Experience English courses is usually a Master’s of Arts degree in English; however, a candidate with Master’s in Education and at least two graduate level English classes (one of which is in rhetoric and composition) may be considered.

New Instructor Steps


All incoming ECE English instructors are granted provisional status; successful completion of the following steps is required for full status.

Summer 2024


Attend an ECE orientation and meet with English faculty coordinator, Scott Campbell.


Summer Prep

The UConn FYW/ECE courses have specific requirements which reflect the philosophy and practices of the program. We ask that you engage with these requirements as you prepare your course materials for the upcoming year.


Upload Materials

By August, use the guidelines on the ECE website to upload course materials.

Academic Year 2024–2025


Attend either the fall or spring conferences at the Storrs or Harftord campuses.
And/or: Attend at least two virtual workshops.
[You are required to attend at least one conference every two years.]

Site Visit

Arrange with our office to have a representative come to your class at some point—in your first year, if possible. Site visits can also be virtual, allowing for a deeper discussion of curriculum.

Feedback and Review


At any point, contact us with questions, ideas or request for feedback ( The ECE English Program is an open system built out of an ongoing and mutual exchange. As with out courses, sharing of work feedback, and revisions are essential.


Once these steps are competed, the faculty coordinator will review the instructor's portfolio, provide additional feedback if needed, and move the teacher out of provisional status.