Site Visits

As part of the University’s commitment to UConn Early College Experience, the faculty coordinator and assistant coordinator arrange site visits. Both the faculty coordinator and assistant coordinator, Scott and Tom, are available to visit participating schools. Other experienced members of the FYW teaching staff may also conduct site visits.

Visits are offered for mutual enrichment purposes and not as a means to evaluate the certified instructor’s performance. Visits can be arranged by contacting the faculty coordinator and/or assistant coordinator.

for instructors and request student work that the instructor would like to discuss at the visit (likely some work for a recent or current unit). If additional materials are needed, such as the assignment prompt of that student work, the instructor should send those, too.


Certified instructors are welcome to visit a First-Year Writing course on the UConn campus.

Please complete the following steps at least 24 hrs before your Site Visit.
- Upload instructional materials for semester/year
- Fill out the Pre-Visit & Student Work Example Upload Form

To arrange a virtual visit, please use the scheduler below.
If you'd like an in-person on-site visit, please provide use with the information requested below and someone from ECE English will reach out to you shortly.

Virtual Site Visit

On-site Visit

Please fill out the form below and a member of the ECE English team will reach out to schedule your On-Site Visit.

On-Site Visit Request

Please provide your meeting availability for 2 or 3 weeks from now.
Are there other ECE English instructors at your school we could meet with during this visit?(Required)
Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.
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