Writing Moves

Click the image below to see how the writing moves support FYW’s course objectives.

Screenshot of Writing Moves page 1

The FYW writing moves are collecting and curating, engaging, contextualizing, theorizing, circulating. These moves emphasize transferable, 21st-century skills that lead to contextually sensitive projects and enable students to address diverse audiences across disciplines and contexts. The moves position student work as purposeful contributions within an ecology of other compositions (not merely demonstration of competence or compliance with unexamined “rules” for writing). See UConn’s First-Year Writing site for more information on how these writing moves support our Writing Across Technology (WAT) initiative.

Please reference this step-by-step guide created by UConn FYW for designing your ENGL 1007 course using the writing moves (PLEASE NOTE: You must be logged into your UConn email to access the documents on this page).

To access other supplementary materials regarding the writing moves, see this Google Drive folder.