Please review the Course Materials Guidelines and submit course materials by Monday, October 7, 2024.
Course Materials Guidelines (Click to expand)
Course materials should include the items listed below. The syllabus should offer a clear statement of the goals, practices, and policies of the course. See Required Course Components for more information about these elements. If the course serves additional curricular goals (such as AP or state standards), the syllabus should include and describe these added components. A complete syllabus includes:
- Course Description. Be sure to indicate that this is a 4-credit UConn First-Year Writing course with the same goals and practices as on-campus courses. Please use the official UConn course titles and numbers.
- Course Inquiry. Indicate how this particular version of the course (readings, theme, central questions) maps onto larger course goals. The course inquiry is what sets up the intellectual work at the heart of the course. How does this cluster of texts, questions, problems invite students into the purposeful engagement of college writing and composing?
- Course Goals/Learning Objectives. A well-developed course is designed around specific course goals and student-learning objectives; these goals and objectives should be articulated for your students (perhaps in a paragraph or a few sentences and a bulleted list) in your syllabus. What will your students do, reflect on, or make in this course?
- Required Materials. Books, course management software, etc.
- Revision Process. An explicit description of how student work circulates and is read, reviewed, and revised, including attention to how presentations, writing group feedback, individual conferences, or other activities will be used to help students to develop and revise projects.
- Field Research/Documentary, Information & Digital Media Literacy, Reflective Writing, Studio, and Multimodal Composition Components. More here.
- Grading. Describe grading principles and procedures for individual projects (methods of response and evaluation) and the course as a whole.
- Schedule. The schedule should provide at least a general outline of the course calendar with an indication of when major assignments are due and some sense of day-to-day activity (more than just readings). The course schedule can be written out by week or include specific dates, etc. — however works best for you to plan and organize your course and communicate that plan to your students.
- Assignments. These are usually separate documents outlining contexts, intellectual and writing goals, calendar or process, and evaluative criteria for each assignment. Assignment prompts are crucial documents in FYW courses, and we ask that you look closely at our guidelines for assignments here.