Below is a slightly modified version of a list compiled and shared by the members of a graduate reading group on anti-racist pedagogy at UConn. With your help, we will continue to add materials so that this list may serve as a resource for our ECE English community.
On Pedagogy
- Ball, Arnetha, and Ted Lardener. “Where We Go from Here.pdf.” African American Literacies Unleashed: Vernacular English and the Composition Classroom. 2005.
- Banks, Adam. Ain't No Walls behind the Sky, Baby! Funk, Flight, Freedom, CCC vol. 67.2, 2015.
- Canagarajah, A. Suresh. Translingual Practice: Global Englishes and Cosmopolitan Relations. Routledge, 2012.
- Canagarajah, Suresh. Introduction: Translingual Practice: Global Englishes and Cosmopolitan Relations, Taylor & Francis, 2013.
- Condon, Frankie, and Vershawn Ashanti Young, editors. Performing Antiracist Pedagogy in Rhetoric, Writing, and Communication. WAC Clearinghouse, 2017.
- Condon, Frankie and Vershawn Ashanti Young. Introduction: Performing Antiracist Pedagogy in Rhetoric, Writing, and Communication.pdf.pdf, WAC Clearinghouse/UP of Colorado, 2017.
- Delacroix, Julia, et al. “Ending Curriculum Violence.” Teaching Tolerance. 2020.
- Gilyard, Keith. "The Rhetoric of Translingualism." College English. 2016.
- Greenfield, Laura. “The “Standard English” Fairy Tale: A Rhetorical Analysis of Racist Pedagogies and Commonplace Assumptions about Language Diversity." In Writing Center and the New Racism: A Call for Sustainable Dialogue and Change. Utah State University Press, 2011.
- Inoue, Asao B. CCCC 2019 Chair's Address.
- Inoue, Asao B. Antiracist Writing Assessment Ecologies: Teaching and Assessing Writing for a Socially Just Future. The WAC Clearinghouse, 2015.
- Inoue, Asao. Labor-Based Grading Contracts: Building Equity and Inclusion in the Compassionate Writing Classroom. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado, 2019.
- Inoue, Asao B., Classroom Writing Assessment as an Antiracist Practice: Confronting White Supremacy in the Judgments of Language, Pedagogy, 2019.
- Kynard, Carmen. Vernacular Insurrections. SUNY Press, 2013.
- Maraj, Louis. M. Black or Right: Anti/Racist Campus Rhetorics. Utah State UP, 2020. TOC and sample chapter here.
- Poe, Mya. “Making Digital Writing Assessment Fair for Diverse Writers.” In McKee, H. A., & DeVoss, D. N. (Eds.). Digital writing assessment & evaluation. (2013)
- Poe, Mya, Asao B. Inoue, and Norbert Elliot. "Introduction: The End of Isolation.pdf." Writing Assessment, Social Justice, and the Advancement of Opportunity. The WAC Clearinghouse, 2018.
- Rose, Mike. “The Language of Exclusion: Writing Instruction at the University.” College English, 1985.
- Ruiz, I. D. Reclaiming Composition for Chicano/as and Other Ethnic Minorities: A Critical History and Pedagogy. 2016.
- Villanueva, V. “On the Rhetoric and Precedents of Racism.” College Composition and Communication, 1999.
- Villanueva, Victor, and Geneva Smitherman (eds). Language Diversity in the Classroom : From Intention to Practice. 2003.
- Young, Vershawn Ashanti. “Casualties of Literacy.” Your Average Nigga: Performing Race, Literacy, and Masculinity. 2007.
- Young, Vershawn Ashanti. “Should Writers Use They Own English?” Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies. 2010.
Universities/Administration and Anti-Racism
- de Müeller, Cortes, Gonzales, Hanson, Jackson, Kahn, Lopez, and Simmons. “Combating White Supremacy in a Pandemic: Antiracist, Anticapitalist, and Socially Just Policy Recommendations in Response to COVID-19.” Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics, 2020.
- de Müeller, Genevieve Garda & Iris Ruiz. “Race, Silence, and Writing Program Administration: A Qualitative Study of US College Writing Programs..pdf” WPA: Writing Program Administration, 2017.
- Green, Neisha-Anne. “Moving beyond Alright: And the Emotional Toll of This, My Life Matters Too, in the Writing Center Work.” The Writing Center Journal, 2018.
- Roderick Ferguson, We Demand. University of California Press. 2017.
- Wright, Cassie. “Beyond Good Intentions: Learning to See and Address Race and Diversity in the Work We Do.” WPA: Writing Program Administration, 2019.
Additional Resources
- Advocating for Multilingual Writers through Anti-racist and Translingual Teaching and Administrative Practices (video) 2020.
- Antiracist Resources for Your 2020-2021 Teaching
- Asao Inoue’s Google folder of anti-racist grading contract resources
- Browne, Simone. Dark Matters: On the Surveillance of Blackness. Duke UP, 2015.
- CCCC Demand for Black Linguistic Justice
- CCCC Statement on Students’ Right to Their Own Language.pdf
- DiAngelo, Robin J. White Fragility: Why It's so Hard for White People to Talk about Racism. Allen Lane, 2019.
- Ejeris Dixon et al. & Disability Visibility Project. “26 Ways to Be in the Struggle, Beyond the Streets” 2020.
- Emmitt H. Thrower, dir. “Where Is Hope? The Art of Murder: Police Brutality Against People with Disabilities” 2015.
- Gilyard, Keith, and Adam J. Banks. On African American Rhetoric. Routledge, 2018.
- Inoue, Asao. Sample Charter for Compassion.pdf, and Grading Contract for First-Year Writing.pdf
- Keri Gray, Dustin Gibson, & the NCIL Diversity Committee. “We Can’t Breathe: The Deaf & Disabled Margin of Police Brutality Project.” (Video & Toolkit) 2016.
- The Racial Imaginary Institute
- Young, Vershawn Ashanti, and Michelle Bachelor Robinson, eds. The Routledge Reader of African American Rhetoric: The Longue Duree of Black Voices. Routledge, 2018.