Survey for Spring and Summer ECE Activity (April 2022) Just hoping to get some input or feedback or questions as we plan the transition to ENGL 1007 in the fall. Part 1: Summer Workshop/Institute for ECE EnglishWe are gauging interest in meeting (in-person, we hope) to develop and build ECE English courses together over the summer. These events would have a small fee (not much) but would serve the needs and goals of the participants. Your name(Required)Are you interested participating in a summer workshop (or summer institute) for ECE English?Yes, if I can make itMaybeProbably not or noForget it, Scott. I'm exhausted.If no, you can skip ahead to Part 2.Where would you like this event/workshop/institute to be?UConn Hartford CampusUConn Storrs CampusEither campus would doVirtualWhich dates do you prefer? (Choose both if no preference) Late June/ Early July Early to Mid-August Something else? How many days would you prefer this workshop to be?Three consecutive daysTwo consecutive daysTwo dispersed days (maybe early summer and late summer)Just one dayIn the past, summer institutes were three-day events that allowed a small group (about 20) teachers work closely together in a sustained and deep way. Given our variables, we may want to meet for a smaller window of time. Please share your preference. Please share any ideas or questions you have about the workshop/institute possibilities.Part 2: Literature Course for ECE EnglishWe are developing a 1000-level literature course for use at UConn campuses and ECE English. We are in great need of teacher input and feedback. Please note: literature can still be assigned and used in FYW courses, but this is a proposal for a course that is NOT a FYW course. How might you be willing to help this effort? Please check all that apply. Share my current syllabi and assignments for literature courses Send some responses to a few questions about teaching literature to HS students Annotate a planning document for the course Attend a one-time virtual conversation Join a small team of teachers who will continue to work on the course Please share any ideas or questions you have about the proposed literature course for ECE EnglishPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.