Annual Conferences and Site Visits

Annual Conferences for UConn Ece Instructors

Each fall and spring, UConn Early College Experience hosts all-day conferences for certified English instructors to come together and discuss a variety of ECE related issues. Lunch is included and instructors have the opportunity to earn Continuing Education Units for their participation.

Conference topics have ranged from specific teaching strategies to broad curriculum discussions. The conferences also provide a means for instructors to stay in touch with any important changes occurring in the First-Year Writing office.

Certified instructors must attend a UConn ECE English Conference once every two years in order to remain certified. Instructors who do not attend an English Conference once every two years risk decertification and will be unable to offer UConn ECE courses in their high school.

Site Visits

As part of the University’s commitment to UConn Early College Experience, the faculty coordinator and assistant coordinator arrange site visits Both the faculty coordinator and assistant coordinator  are available to visit participating schools. Other experienced members of the FYW teaching staff may also conduct site visits.

Visits are offered for mutual enrichment purposes and not as a means to evaluate the certified instructor’s performance. Visits can be arranged by contacting the faculty coordinator and/or assistant coordinator.

Certified instructors are welcome to visit a First-Year Writing course on the UConn campus. To arrange a visit, please contact the coordinators.

Please complete the following steps at least 24 hrs before your Site Visit.
- Upload instructional materials for semester/year
- Upload examples of student work