
Although rare, decertification of an ECE instructor occasionally occurs, for the following reasons:

  • Repeated failure to attend annual professional development workshops without cause.
  • A decision on the part of a provisionally certified instructor not to comply with the conditions of the provisional certification.
  • Repeated and intentional lack of cooperation with UConn’s guidelines for ECE courses.

Reasons (1) and (2) are managed by the UConn ECE program office, with the full knowledge of the instructor, building principal, and UConn Faculty Coordinator. Extenuating circumstances are taken into consideration. Reason (3) requires that a specific communication process be followed:

  • If a Faculty Coordinator has concerns about an instructor, s/he is required to communicate in writing with the instructor prior to these concerns rising to the level of considering decertification action.
  • Should the Faculty Coordinator and instructor be mutually unable to resolve the targeted concerns, the UConn ECE Director is notified and manages the process as it develops.
    • The building principal is notified and a meeting of appropriate parties is planned.
    • If possible, a remedial plan is developed, including benchmarks that, if met, will forestall decertification.

The process seeks to balance the welfare of the students, the needs of the high school, the professional integrity of all personnel involved, and the academic integrity of the University department.